Jeff and Ashleigh Lewtan

Campus Staff

Hometown: Avon, CT (Jeff) & Lancaster, PA (Ashleigh)

I (Jeff) grew up in a Jewish home with no knowledge of Christianity in my life. After being radically saved from a life of sin during my freshman year of college, I was alone and without good Christian relationships. In my sophomore year, I got connected with Campus Outreach and they connected me to the local church and gave me a faithful community of believers who I could grow alongside, experience discipleship, and grow as a Christian. Seeing this huge impact CO had on my life, I decided to pursue full-time staff in order that I may see the same God-glorifying growth happen in others.

I (Ashleigh) grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and was blessed to have faithful older Christians share the gospel with me from an early age. However, coming to the George Washington University, I did not have a personal desire to follow Christ or repent of my sins. During my freshman year, I started attending CO weekly meetings and regularly reading the Bible with one of the campus staff, Emily Dixon. Slowly throughout my freshman and sophomore years, God started convicting me of sin and giving me a new desire to follow Him. I am eternally thankful for God’s work in my life through Campus Outreach, and I am eager to be on staff and share the gospel that saved me with other students!

Campus Outreach DC is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization integrated under Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
All donations to Campus Outreach are tax deductible in concordance with IRS guidelines.

While every effort will be made to apply your gift according to an indicated preference, Campus Outreach D.C. has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. While the use of gifts for ministry are typically used in accordance with donor preferences, at times the board may redirect the use of those gifts. All contributions to Campus Outreach D.C. are tax deductible as allowed by IRS guidelines and are under the supervision of Capitol Hill Baptist Church. The donor has not received any tangible goods or services for this contribution.